According to the latest Cyprus property market data, 1,383 properties were sold in Limassol in the second quarter of this year for a value of approximately €437.9 million. The sales are divided as follows: 499 apartments, 271 private houses, 183 plots, and 430 fields. Apartments yielded around €197.2 million, private homes €115.8 million, while land plots for construction and general purposes brought around €49.3 and 75.5 million, respectively.
Limassol accounted for 26.6% of all apartment sales in the Cyprus market. The most popular price category was the range of €100,000–500,000. Approximately 8 out of 10 apartments sold fell into this category. However, the most expensive apartment cost €10.3 million.
In the private house segment, properties in the price range of €300,000–500,000 performed best. There were 78 houses sold in this price category, which is 28.8% of all sales in the region. Fifteen houses were sold for more than one million dollars. The most expensive private home was sold for €10 million. Sales of private houses in Limassol accounted for 26.9% of all sales in the Cyprus market.
Land plots
Sales of such plots in Limassol accounted for 28.7% of the volume and 38.6% of the total value of proceeds from the entire segment of plots sold on the Cyprus market. The most expensive plot was sold for €5.9 million. At the same time, 51 plots of land with an area of more than 1,000 square metres were sold in Limassol.
Seven out of ten general-purpose plots were in the price category of up to €50,000. Moreover, the largest part of them, 242 plots, did not even reach the €25,000 mark. One-fourth of all fields had an area of less than 1,000 square metres. On the other hand, 68 plots sold had an area of more than 10,000 square metres. Limassol accounted for 34.6% of all plots sold in this category in Cyprus.